October 2, 2015



Do you have a question? We have the answer.

We’re trying to limit the amount of email we get, so do you..

Need premium support for WooCommerce PDF Invoices?

Please use the email address provided in the plugin settings pages or simply reply to your purchase receipt. This will guarantee a faster response time.

Please make sure to look at the plugin FAQ first. If you’re sending an email, include as many details as possible and please don’t forget your license key.

Need support for the free version of the plugin?

Please use the WordPress.org WooCommerce PDF Invoices support forums.

Anything else? Ask away!

So you’re still here, looking for answers? Please send your email to support@wcpdfinvoices.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Our working hours are from 9am-5pm CEST time (Dutch) from Monday to Friday. Do not send any credentials without the use of a tool like Privnotes.