How do I change the more advanced PDF options?

In order to change the more common options for your PDFs, simply add the following action to your themes functions.phpThis filter gives you full control over the mPDF library. Check the mPDF manual for more info. function bewpi_mpdf( $mpdf, $document ) { // change the direction of the invoice to RTL $mpdf->SetDirectionality( ‘rtl’ ); return $mpdf; } add_filter( ‘bewpi_mpdf’, Read more about How do I change the more advanced PDF options?[…]

How do I update a PDF that has already been sent out?

Since version 2.9.4 the plugin removed the ability to update the PDF invoice when it already has been sent to the customer. If in what manner you still want to update the invoice, you can do so by resetting a custom field. Go to the ‘Edit Order’ page. Change custom field ‘bewpi_pdf_invoice_sent’ value within custom field widget Read more about How do I update a PDF that has already been sent out?[…]

How do I add custom fields or meta-data to the PDF invoice templates?

In order to add custom fields or meta-data, use the below code to display meta-data. Replace {META_KEY} with the actual key. If you use another plugin, just ask the key from the author of that plugin. <?php echo WPI()->templater()->get_meta( ‘{META_KEY}’ ); ?><br> Important: A custom template is required to add a custom field to the PDF invoice. Read more about How do I add custom fields or meta-data to the PDF invoice templates?[…]

How to attach the packing slip to a specific email type?

Add below filter to your (child) themes functions.php in order to attach the packing slip to a specific email type. Below example will add the packing slip to the New Order email. function attach_packing_slip_to_email( $attachments, $status, $order ) { // only attach to emails with WC_Order object. if ( ! $order instanceof WC_Order ) { Read more about How to attach the packing slip to a specific email type?[…]

How to add a recipient to a specific email?

In order to add a recipient to a specific email type, use below filter by adding it to your themes functions.php file. Make sure to change the YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS to the desired email address. /** * Add recipient to Customer Credit Note email. * * @param string $headers WooCommerce email headers. * @param string $status WooCommerce Read more about How to add a recipient to a specific email?[…]

How to generate a Credit Note and send it to the customer?

Our plugin will automatically generate a Credit Note for every Refund Order. Simply Partially or Fully Refund the Order and the Credit Note will show up on the Edit Order page. Make sure to add the Credit Note to the desired email type. Our plugin has added a Customer credit note email which will give Read more about How to generate a Credit Note and send it to the customer?[…]